Monday, July 28, 2008

Dreamer's Response: Dream #1

Thanks to Pixie and Sarah, who were the first two brave souls to participate in this grand experiment I call a blog. Your comments were enlightening and helpful.

I agree that the dream is about a temporary state and that it is about nourishment. There are definitely things in my life that no longer nourish me, but they are still around, so I am going to look at how to cleanse those out of my life.

I found a lot of resonance with the comments Pixie and Sarah made about how this is a time when I can assert myself and my needs and really help myself. I am the only one who knows what healthy choices are for me. That's a great revelation! I am working on that in my outer life, and, as Sarah pointed out, this does feel like my maiden voyage in that area, so I'm still working out the kinks.

As far as the salmon goes...that's a big symbol for me. It's one of the totem animals I work with and to me it symbolizes inner knowing. I'm seeing in this dream that I can nourish myself with my intuition, and although I may be surrounded by other types of nourishment, intuition is going to be my mainstay.

However, sailing the ship Intuition is not necessarily embraced in our culture, a culture full of steaks, or left-brainers, and this dream points that out. Although I try to find comfort in my friends, no one helps. This just shows me that sailing the ship Intuition is something I have to do on my own.

This has been a great first try. I will post a new dream shortly!


Nikki Hardin said...

I'm so intrigued by your site. I used to love to mull over my dreams but when I started having insomnia I began to dread bedtime, the bed, the bedroom! I was always fruitlessly chasing REM. Recently I discovered melatonin and have started to find my refreshing dreams again so I'll be checking this often.

Katrina said...

Glad to hear you're dreaming again...I look forward to your participation in the site!