Monday, September 15, 2008

Dreamer's Response: Dream #5

It was great to see the different perspectives on this dream! Toni has responded to Sarah's and my comments on her dream, and this is what she had to say:

"I've been feeling stagnant and burned out in my 'day job' as a writer for about a year now. Earlier this year, not one, but two ideas for novels literally fell into my head and I started writing. And writing. And haven't stopped. I wonder if this is about that yearning--fiction is certainly more creative and vibrant than banging out copy for commercial markets or trade pubs (even though I'm very good at it and it's too lucrative and family-friendly to walk away from now).

"I've also been struggling a great deal with body image issues. Not sure if it's connected here, but the whole unconscious thing makes me think, perhaps so. Or maybe it's related more to the work stuff, going with the KC=work thing. Finally, we live on a hill and our upstairs windows are a good 3 stories up and I've ALWAYS worried about the boys pushing through one of the screens upstairs."

Thank you for your comments, Toni. I will just add in here that this dream could definitely be about body issues since a house often represents the body in a dream. I think you could explore this dream for a while to come.

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