Friday, August 22, 2008

Dreamer's Response: Dream #3

I got some really interesting feedback on this dream that helped me get a better hold on it.

Liliana wrote me an email with this insight: "I read discount as 'doesn't count,' and 'slips' as mistakes. The slips were pink and pink to me means innocence, so whatever the mistakes were, they were innocent, so don't worry about them."

Denny had these comments: "A hardware store represents the masculine space for
repairing brokenness or completing new projects. If this were my dream, the dream represents that I am unemployed. In order to fix the brokenness or complete projects, I am using very analytical thinking but I am stuck in one spot not moving. My creativity joins me to help me move forward. But (she) cannot understand my thinking."

And Sarah wrote: "Maybe it, too, could be about bureaucracy on some level... Makes me think of paperwork and forms - things we need to figure out, complete, and turn in, that are meaningful to us, because we have to do the work, and meaningful to whoever the work is for, but difficult to understand when you're someone outside the process or exchange."

All of these had resonance for me. I am in a space where I feel like I've "slipped up," but it was a good slip, one that led me to make some needed changes. I am also looking for a job and trying to go about it in an analytical way when some creativity would probably help things along quite a bit. And I do feel like, in trying to find this job, I am dealing with a lot of bureaucracy.

I also think the stuckness in the dream is the time I had this dream I felt stuck in a spot and I couldn't see the way out, even though I had tools and people all around me who could help. Once I saw creative ways to engage those tools and people, things began to move.

Thanks for all of your insights!

Look for Sarah's dream in the coming days...

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